Sunday, December 30, 2012

Character Assassination 101

Sunday evening and it's time to head out. What to wear, what to wear? Silly and aggressive street harassers (stharassers?) - they'll rationalize their actions regardless of what you wear because in their minds they think they know you and in their minds you're comparable to a red-light area worker. They've been watching you, your local future rapists and strippers of the country. (Of course in the Indian sense, strippers here imply stharassers (Is that term growing on you? No? Okay.) who're looking for an opportunity to tear your clothes off if you're a female. They get a kick out of it because it makes them feel in control and you powerless, it gives them their confidence.)

A Glimpse into the Average Indian Mind

You don't have to go too far to get a sense of the mentality of the majority of Indians, blaming the woman, regardless of all that has transpired this month. Check out the comments under this video. Don't miss the video either: Modern culture to be blamed for rape: BSP MP
  1. "there can never be eqal no. of police with ppl outside thier home. Modest way of dressing and behaviour is necessary for both boys and gals equally." -Anonymous (Why is it others' fault if you can't keep yourself in check?)
  2. "Today i was in the bus.... Last seat one girl and her boyfriend was seating...... Bus was half empty...... It was the girl who was all the time hugging and embrassing and falling on the boy...... Girls do u have the answer ? girls cannot sit decently in public bus?" - Marant (Slut shaming)
  3. "girls can save only girls." -Sandeep Mutkure (Girls don't cause the problem. Boys and men do, so guess what? All genders must work together.)
  4. "His remarks are wrong but NOT completely, i do agree..dressing reflects us.." (So it's okay to harass strangers if they're dressed "inappropriately"? A passerby commented on my salwar kameez because it was sleeveless. Heck, I've even seen burqa-clad women get harassed.) 
  5. "this incidence should teach young girls to dress decently and it should not be provoking and inviting. modern fashions is fifty percent responsible." -Malathi (Once again  shifting the blame from the real issue)
  6. "You are right. Western culture should be banned. Girls should refrain from adopting such modern culture. In order to ensure security, they should move in groups besides getting trained in martial arts and also carry Kukhri / knife to protect themselves. After all, initially we are responsible for our own security." -Prabhakar (It's good to know self-defence but banning Westerm culture would imply giving up things like the commode. Are you ready to do that?
One would think, time brings progress. Here's a blog written circa 2009 - Delhi with Avinash that drew similarly backward comments:
  1. "To tell you truth everyone, everyone including me is just looking for a chance to molest women. soo Women should'nt give that chance."
  2. "I know eve teasing is bad. I have done it too in my college days. I was not a bad person. But, I thought it was fun."

Excuses for Street Harassment

I've collected quite a few experience points having walked the earth for so many years so I've learned how the average harasser's thought process works, especially having witnessed friends of friends or acquaintances demonstrate these ways of thinking first hand.

Picture this: You're walking down the street in your local area, each side of the road filled with people (men mostly) who've seen you walk to and from home. Some lewd guy passes by you and comments on your chest. It's heard by on-lookers but they say nothing. In their mind they're thinking, "she deserves it...
  • "It will teach her not to be so modern thinking." 
  • "What was she thinking wearing a t-shirt with that kind of a chest." 
  • "What was she thinking wearing a t-shirt with wordings over it to provoke men into commenting." 
  • "Good, it will put her in her place. I hate how (over)confident she is." 
  • "If she was married, she would not attract this kind of attention."
  • "If she had married a more decent man, she would not have attracted this kind of attention"
  • "I disapprove of the effort she takes to look put together." 
  • "Why did she take this road" 
  • "Why does she have a boyfriend since so many years and is not married yet." 
  • "I heard her talking about sex on the phone the other day. Slut." 
  • "She's a flirt." 
  • "She's always smiling." 
  • "Why is she out at this time" 
  • "She leaves her house more than the average Indian woman."
  • "...and I better not say anything otherwise I'll be ignored by/thrown out of my friends circle." 

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