By our short-term solutions. Solutions that don't work, but that we tend to fall back on because of how much more easy they are to carry out compared to long-term solutions. What's more, these very solutions we've come up with actually let perpetrators carry out their heinous crimes who rest assured in the knowledge that the victim has upon them the burden of preventing crimes against themselves.
The So-called Solutions:
- Dress "Modestly": Clothes that show off skin or hug your body are seen as a passport to getting molested or raped. Sometimes even dressing modestly but trendily is a recipe for disaster.
- Turn into a Wallflower: Attention attracting behaviour such as talking or laughing loudly is avoided.
- Don't Smoke or Drink
- Curb your Sexual Urges: You can do this by avoiding certain food like Manchurian and phallic shaped fruits and vegetables. Most importantly, don't get raped because that's just plain invitation for more such instances. Jeez.
- Technology is Evil: Because mobile phones are apparently just temptation to watch porn.
- Be Home by 6-7 or Latest 8: Darkness is your enemy because hell, nothing bad ever happens in the day time.
- Marry/Have a Child/Fulfill All or Most Societal Expectations: If you don't, you're different and ignorants don't understand different. Everyone has a need to fit in and if you don't have this need, you may have a mental illness. Or something.
- Believe in a Religion, Any Religion: Because if you don't, apparently it's because you want to have sex and religion is impeding you from doing that. And you know how sexually active people must be punished..."by being molested or raped, of course", says the overfriendly-only-when-it-serves-them neighbourhood rapist.
- Police Other Same Gender People if They Break These Rules
Sigh* Why do we do this? So many possible reasons - the need for dominance and power over what other people do and an excuse for bigotry comes to mind. .
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