Thursday, June 5, 2014

Violence Against Women is Not Only Perpetrated by Men

Women-hating women exist. They may escape your notice hiding under the guise of concern for you. Stop Street Harassment created the below infographic and there are certain similarities to instances of women harassing/belittling women or supporting violence against women. 

E.g. Take the type of harassment mentioned within the blue cell: Someone talking about your body parts inappropriately. I tend to shop alone and at the end of my shopping spree I like to rest my legs at a coffee shop. More often than not, I'll hear whispers from another table criticizing my body parts and me for not being feminine enough. The worst thing I've heard said was a teen girl asking her friend whether I was really female. That one hurt because tom-boyishness doesn't equal dead feelings. 

The next one is Someone calling you a sexist slur like 'Bitch', 'Slut' or 'Ho/Whore'. Put your hands up women who've not been called any of these names by your own gender. If not to your face, you probably have been at a receiving end while you were not around.

Someone calling you a sexually explicit name or saying a sexually explicit comment to or about you. I've received messages from supposed lesbians (unless they were men pretending to be women) on dating sites, because I'd turned down their advances, telling me what they'd do to me with their sex toys or what they'd have their boyfriends do to me by coming over to where I live. 

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